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Caring For Your Body During Pregnancy And Recorvering Your Body After Pregnancy.

Caring For Your Body During Pregnancy And Recorvering Your Body After Pregnancy.

Caring For Your Body During Pregnancy And Recorvering Your Body After Pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an important moment in the life of a lady. There are many psychological, physical transformations that will occur. As a woman, your body is bound to change over time because a human is growing inside of you and your body changes to accommodate the growing fetus. Every change presents a challenge that can be met effectively or not. During this time, it is important to take care of your body for you, your health and your baby. Here are some ways of taking care of your body during your pregnancy;
i.Consuming prenatal vitamins.
Prenatal vitamins ensure that the mother and child get the correct amount of the requirements needed. Your prenatal vitamins should contain;
1.Folic acid; during the first trimester, it boosts the development of the baby’s brain and spinal cord.
2.Calcium; supports the growth of strong bones and teeth. If you lack enough calcium, the baby will obtain it from the mother’s bones, putting her at risk of osteoporosis. In the second semester, it is needed for helping the heart, nerves, muscles and other body parts to function properly.
3.Iron, ascertains blood oxygenation, oxygen supply to the baby is enough and prevents the mother from anemia. Iodine is important for developing the baby’s brain and nervous system and also controls the baby’s metabolism. During the second semester, enough iron helps the developing fetus get the needed amount of oxygen required for the development of a strong heart, lungs and muscles.

ii.Exercising regularly.
Being physically healthy during pregnancy is important to both mother and child. Advantages of exercise include:
1. Improved blood circulation and increased heart rate.
2. Lowered risk of pregnancy complications such as hypertension and obesity by maintaining healthy weight gain.
3. The body becomes flexible and strong.
4. Improves your stance, reduce backaches, swelling of feet.
5. Prepares and strengthens muscles and also builds energy required for delivery.
6. Alleviates stress, improves sleep and emotional health.
7. Shortens labor and reduces the need for medical pain relievers.
8. Lowers the chances of a miscarriage, a pre-term delivery or a cesarean delivery.
9. Gives the baby a health start at life.
Recent research has revealed that exercising also benefits the baby by:
1. Reducing the fetal heart rate.
2. Improving the baby’s stress tolerance.
3. Enhancing the baby’s nervous system development.
4. The baby has a healthy birth weight.
5. Lowering the fat mass.
Some of the exercises that you can do include;
Take a walk: A brief walk long enough not to tire your joints will ensure that you burn some calories, in so doing; you keep your weight in check. Walking will also assists in having a quick labor and delivery, prevents constipation, is a great cardiovascular exercise and maintains muscle tone.
Swimming: it prevents overheating; the buoyancy reduces some of the pressure on the lower back and the bump, improves blood circulation, positioning the baby during the last weeks, and helps the mother get enough sleep.
Aerobics: reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, toughens the heart and lungs, reduces stress on the joints and maintains muscle balance and tone, increases general body fitness, helps in weight loss after pregnancy, and chances of having a caesarian birth and releases endorphins which make you feel better and uplift your mood.
Yoga: improves muscle endurance required for delivery, lowers anxiety and stress, headaches, queasiness and shortness of breath and reduces lower back pain. It also accelerates blood circulation, improves flexibility and boosts relaxation.
Immobile Cycling: this is a safe method of exercise most especially for new exercisers. This method helps increase heart rate while reducing strain on the joints and pelvis.

iii. Eat healthy.
Everything you consume affects your baby’s growth and development and what he/she will eat afterwards in life. Healthy eating is now important especially since you’re eating for two. The baby is susceptible to toxins, and he/she will require all the nutrients you can make available in order to grow strong and healthy.
Nutrients that should be in your diet include:
i) Calcium: required for strong bones and teeth. Obtained from milk, yogurt sardines etc.
ii) Iron: assists the red blood cells in delivering oxygen to the baby. Obtained from red meat, peas, fried beans etc.
iii) Vitamin A: needed for a healthy skin, eyesight and growth of bones. Obtained from carrots, leafy greens, sweet potatoes etc.
iv) Vitamin D: assists in the body’s absorption of calcium to assist in the baby’s formation of healthy bones, gums and teeth. Gotten from sunlight, fatty fish etc.
v) Vitamin C: helps in the formation of healthy teeth and gums and absorption of iron. Gotten from broccoli, tomatoes etc.
vi) Vitamin B6: forms red blood cells and assists the body make use of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Obtained from liver, pork, bananas etc
vii) Vitamin B12: maintains the mother’s nervous system and helps in the formation of red blood cells. Gotten from meat, fish, milk etc.
viii) Folic Acid: lowers the risk of defects of the brain and spinal cord of the baby, essential in the production of blood and protein. Obtained from legumes, nuts, leafy green vegetables etc.

Benefits from healthy eating are:
1. Eating healthy maintains blood sugar level, blood pressure and weight to reduce incidences of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes. Making sure that your food contains proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats assists reducing morning sickness and leg cramps.
2. It reduces the prevalence of birth defects.
3. Guarantees a healthy birth weight for the baby.
4. Sets the pace for a better health.
5. Helps women get rid of extra weight faster after pregnancy.
However you should avoid raw foods such as mayonnaise, sushi, raw eggs, soft cheeses and undercooked meat because they contain mercury in plenty and this could affect the baby.
iv. Drink a lot of fluids.
By being pregnant, you’re required to consume a lot more water than an average human being. This is important for the formation of amniotic fluid, production of extra blood, formation of new tissues, transportation of nutrients, enhancing digestion and flushing out harmful toxins and wastes.
When you’re urine is pale or colorless, then you’re drinking is on track. Some of the benefits of being hydrated include:
1. Reduced constipation.
2. Lowers swelling of feet and lower back pain.
3. Softens the mother’s skin.
4. Boosts the mother’s energy.
5. Reduced overheating.
6. Reduces the risk of contracting Urinary Tract Infections.
7. Reduces the risk of preterm birth by lengthening gestational period.
Whenever you’re having a hard time consuming enough water daily, it is recommended that:
1.You avoid taking caffeine.
2. Increasing your fruit and vegetable eating.
3. Adding fruits such as lime and frozen raspberries to your drinking water.
4. Drinking enough fluids until you don’t feel thirsty often.
5. Stay indoors as much as possible. This reduces overheating.
v. Avoid drinking alcohol.
When consuming alcohol, it is passed directly to the baby through the placenta. The baby is not able to process it in the same way that you can, and too much of it is detrimental to the baby’s development. Alcohol increases the chances of miscarriage, preterm labor and a baby’s low birth weight. The baby may end up having learning disabilities or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
vi. Avoiding stress.
Looking for ways to lower stress and anxiety is important for optimizing your health as a pregnant mother. High stress levels may lead to high blood pressure and heart illnesses, low birth weight of the baby and also preterm birth. Some ways of relieving stress include:
1. Engage in pregnancy yoga or a massage.
2. Take note of your breathing. Stress can have a major impact on your breathing.
3. Ensure you have a lot of rest.
4. Engage in something that gives you the most pleasure.
5. Try exercising. Exercise releases endorphins that boost your mood.
6. Worry well. Pregnancy comes with a lot of anxiety. Choose what items that is worth                     worrying about.
7.Compliment yourself from time to time.
8. Start a gratitude journal.
Being a mother to a new born may be demanding, and adjustment to motherhood can be a bit challenging; but post partum care is also important for you as well. You’re expected to experience some vaginal soreness, vaginal discharge, hair loss, which is all normal. Recovery is bound to take around six weeks or beyond if you had a perineum tear. Below are tips to recovering your body after vaginal birth:
1. Relieve Soreness.
Soreness is normal most importantly if you’ve had a tear. To ease the pain, prepare a warm sits bath or sit on an ice pack for ten minutes daily after using the bathroom. This will help increase the blood flow to the perineum, speeding up the healing process and tissue repair. When the pain persists, consult your doctor for medical intervention.
2.Vaginal Discharge.
After giving birth, you’ll start to shed the mucous membrane that was lining your womb during pregnancy. This will come out as red and heavy menstrual period for about two to six weeks after birth. Wear sanitary towels with full size pads decreasing the size when required. Consult your doctor when the bleeding doesn’t stop, or if it comes out as large clots.
3. Taking care of hemorrhoids.
Some women may be subject to swollen veins around the anus after delivery, and this may harbor bowel movements since it can be painful. To relieve the pain, constantly soak in a warm tub. Also, consume a lot of fibers and fluids to help avoid constipation.
4.Rest Up.
Now with a newborn in your life, being sleep deprived will become the new normal. It is advisable to get plenty of rest as often as possible. And to ensure that is achieved, you should sleep when your baby is sleeping.
5. Having healthy meals.
Maintaining a healthy diet will promote faster healing. Increasing the consumption of vegetable, fruits and protein is recommended, as well as plenty of fluids most importantly if your breastfeeding.
Low key exercises can begin as soon as you feel like it. It repairs muscle strength and toughen up your body, increases your energy level and well being, helps in weight loss and cardiovascular fitness, tackles post partum depression and leads to better sleep. Most women are worried about going back to their pre-pregnancy shape. Even though it may not seem possible, light weight exercise is a great start to a body you can be proud of, as much as it helps shed extra baby weight.


Having a C-section, recovery time Is bound to take longer than a vaginal delivery. Wars of recovering include:
. Getting some rest; having undergone a major surgery, your body requires time to heal. Especially when the baby is demanding, it can be difficult to rest. So it is advisable to rest whenever the baby is sleeping.
. Pampering your body: avoid movements as much as possible, especially up and down the stairs. Whenever you’re sneezing, hold the wound to cover the incision. Avoiding strenuous exercises, lifting heavy items is advised.
. Pain relievers: if the pain and discomfort is high, doctors can prescribe some pain relievers. In addition to that hating pads work as well as pain killers.
. Good nutrition: consuming vegetables especially when you’re breast feeding is beneficial to the baby as it will make the milk flavorful. Consume plenty of fluids as this will increase milk flow and prevent constipation.

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