Pregnancy Strech Marks And How To Deal With Them
Stretch marks are very frequent in women. It is not harmful, and there is no ‘cure’ for it, but it is a major cause of insecurity for women. For expectant women, stretch marks can start to appear in between the six and seventh month. You’ll start see them around your stomach, thighs, hips or breasts. So what really causes these stretch marks?
1.Weight gain.
The skin is elastic. Due to weight gain, the skin stretches speedily in response to the growth of the body. This causes the dermis to tear as a result of the skin stretching too much. Then appears the narrow thin lines either brown, light pink or purple called stretch marks.
2.Weight loss.
During weight loss, the skin rapidly relaxes causing excess skin. The excess skin can load down other skin areas that may lead to the skin stretching beyond its elasticity level and causing the dermis to break leading to stretch marks.
3.Physical stretching.
Rapid expansion and skin changes that are abrupt makes skin areas around the buttocks, thighs, around the stomach – due to the growing belly, and under the breasts – due to them enlarging to produce milk in preparation for lactation. Since these changes are abrupt, these areas may not have adequate time to adjust to the changes, leading to the breaking of the skin causing stretch marks.
4. Collagen and elastin.
Collagen and elastin are two important proteins responsible for skin elasticity. During pregnancy, the physical changes cause the skin to stretch. Since the skin has its elasticity limits, and when the breaking point is reached the skin loses its elasticity and breaks causing stretch marks.
Pregnancy stretch marks are known to affect eight out of ten pregnant women. And although they are common and are bound to happen during pregnancy, some women may opt to prevent getting these stretch marks. Although preventing them could prove difficult. Some of the preventive measures that you can take include:
1. Weight control.
One of the most beneficial things that you can do for your body in order to prevent stretch marks is to keep a healthy weight. As earlier stated, one of the causes of stretch marks is the tearing of the dermis due to weight gain or after weight loss due to the excess skin weighing down on other skin areas which can cause tearing of the dermis.
Working to manage body changes from occurring rapidly is likely to be your best shot. Avoid taking any steroids thinking that they can help prevent stretch marks. Instead, select an exercise routine that will promote gradual progress. Gaining muscles slowly can reduce the chances of having stretch marks. Having a healthy diet also helps in controlling your weight gain.
2. Staying hydrated.
Water helps keep your skin soft and hydrated. Soft skin is not likely to be more prone to stretch marks that dry skin. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee also increases the risk of having stretch marks and therefore you should avoid such beverages. And if you must drink it, ensure that your intake of fluids is well balanced with a lot of water and other caffeine free beverages.
It is recommended that you drink between 8-10 glasses of water daily. And if you find that difficult, try some lemon water or drinking hot tea or flavored water to motivate you to drink water. You can also try drinking from a water bottle as you set the drinking goals, or try setting an alarm.
3. Eating a balanced diet.
A healthy meal is a great step towards preventing the development of stretch marks. As stretch marks form as a result of weight gain, which cannot be prevented in pregnancy, the best that you can do is to work with healthy meals to maintain and keep your weight in check.
It is recommended that you should incorporate the following in your meal:
i. A lot of fruits and vegetables – at least four times a day.
ii. Whole grains and cereals.
iii. Lean protein like chicken and fish and also plant protein like beans and green grams.
iv. For calcium, you can try drinking dairy products such as milk and yogurt.
v, Also remember to take your daily dose of prenatal vitamins in order to make up for some nutrients that you might be lacking.
And since every pregnancy is different for every woman, be sure to consult with your doctor in order to formulate a meal plan that can work for you.
4. Exfoliate areas that are prone to stretch marks.
By exfoliating, you remove all the dry and dead skin cells that may be a hindrance to moisturizers from seeping into the skin. Dry skin is often prone to attacks by stretch marks. Exfoliation will also help in the growth of new skin cells that helps the areas prone to stretch marks be free of stretch marks.
Some natural herbs and ingredients that can act as exfoliants are baking soda and witch hazel. These are gentle enough and are also used on skin that is sensitive. To effectively use these products, you can gently rub baking soda when you are having a shower and the witch hazel thereafter.
5. Massaging your skin.
Massaging areas that are most likely to be prone to stretch marks is very beneficial as:
i. The skin is kept supple and more elastic.
ii. The cream used during massages infiltrates deep into the skin where it does the most good.
iii. Any stretch mark (s) that may have begun to form is broken.
iv. The skin is supplied adequately with blood which keeps everything healthy.
To benefit the most from the massage, it is advisable for one to apply a health amount of cream and gently using circular motions massage the cream onto your skin. It is also recommended that you do it daily for incredible results.
6. Applying cream or oil.
This is probably one of the best ways of preventing stretch marks. Especially when using a good quality formulated stretch mark cream or oil, it goes a long way in keeping your skin soft, supple and free of stretch marks during pregnancy.
Some recommended products for stretch mark cream or oil have natural ingredients such as avocado, beeswax, butter, pomegranate, Shea butter and baobab. Products with these ingredients help your skin resist stretching, improve its elasticity and keep the skin soft, supple and smooth.
Some natural home remedies that can be used to deal with stretch marks are:
1. Argan oil.
The Vitamin E in argan oil helps increase the elasticity of the skin. Rubbing the oil on the skin helps in healing the broken tissues and gradually makes the marks fade.
2. Lemon juice.
Known for its natural bleaching effect, lemon juice can help reduce the visibility of the stretch marks efficiently. Using fresh lemon juice or running sliced lemon wedge on the marks is most likely to guarantee good results.
3. Egg white.
The high protein content and amino acids in the egg white is a great “food” for the skin. When applied on the skin, egg white does not only have the ability to lighten the marks but also tighten the skin.
3.Potato juice.
Potatoes are often used in lightening dark circles, blemishes and spots from the skin as it contains starch and other enzymes that lighten the skin. Using this information, potato juice has the ability to reduce the visibility of the marks by bleaching the skin when regularly applied.
4. Black tea.
Black tea consists of plenty of vitamins (including Vitamin B12) and minerals that help in controlling skin pigmentation. To help with the stretch marks, boil a few tablespoons of the tea and add some salt. Cool the mixture and once cooled, apply it to the stretch marks regularly until the stretch marks fade.
6. Olive oil.
Olive oil has plenty of antioxidants and other nutrients and the richness in moisturizing properties is remarkably good for damaged skin. Applying cold pressed olive oil on the marks will help it fade with time.
7. Sugar.
Combine sugar, olive oil and lemon juice and mix to form a scrub. Apply the mixture to the marks and massage it for approximately ten minutes. Rinse away with warm water.
8. Castor oil.
Directly apply castor oil on the marks and rub it in circular movements for about 15-20 minutes. After that, using a hot cloth or a heating pad, gently put on some heat on the marks. Do this regularly for results.
Remove the seed from the apricot and grind two to three apricots till a paste if formed. Smear the paste on the stretch marks and allow it to settle for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse it with warm water.
10. Aloe Vera.
Peel out the outer layer of the Aloe Vera and remove the sticky gel from inside. Apply this gel on the stretch marks and allow it to settle for 2-3 hours. Wash it off with warm water.
11.Coconut oil.
Because stretch marks are scars from skin tear, applying coconut oil (virgin), to the stretch marks might help in reducing the red appearance. The healing properties found in coconut oil are greatly attributed to helping with stretch marks.
12.Almond oil.
A wonder skincare product, almond oil helps alleviate any skin affliction such as stretch marks, dry skin and dark circles and spots. Containing a high level of vitamin E and other important nutrients, almond oil acts as a deep moisturizer to the affected areas, boosts cell health and reduces the appearance of the stretch marks.
To use the almond oil, heat some almond oil and smear it onto your skin and massage it in circular movements and let it settle into your skin. Repeat this process twice a day and apply a moisturizer afterwards.
13.Tea tree oil.
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, tea tree oil is known to help in the removal of any type of skin scarring, heal acne scars and help inhibit appearance of stubborn marks. This remedy is known to make stretch marks less visible with time.
To use this, combine a few drops of olive oil and tea tree oil ( You can also add coconut oil or vitamin E oil) and gently massage the mixture on the marks. Leave it overnight and wash it off the next day.
14. Glycolic Acid.
Many might be unaware of this as a skin care item, and it might not ne popular, glycolic acid does a commendable job of making stretch marks fade away. A natural fruit acid known as AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid), a concentrated blend of extracts like, orange, lemon, sugar cane, orange maple and bilberry, it acts as a skin moisturizer and improves collagen therefore treating the stretch marks by reducing its visibility, and the color. It is readily available in the market.
To use this product, smear a small amount over the marks at night and gently massage it into the skin. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning. It is discouraged to apply it during the day and getting out in the sun, as it can cause sunburns, therefore recommended to be applied at night.
Some of the dietary remedies that can be used to deal with stretch marks include:
1.Vitamin C.
Foods such as berries, kiwi fruits, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, melons, peas, raw cabbage and turnips are rich in vitamin C. vitamin C contains the antioxidants that assists the bodies fight toxins. Adequate intake of Vitamin C helps skin scars heal fast.
2. Vitamin E.
Vitamin E, found in foods such as avocado, papaya, parsley, pumpkin and hazel nuts contain antioxidants that not only fights toxins but also deeply nourishes the skin. Consuming such products daily will help in getting rid of the stretch marks.
3. Gelatin.
The collagen present in gelatin helps in giving the skin its elasticity. An example of a food rich in gelatin include bone broth (beef, chicken or lamb).
4. Omega -3 fatty acids.
Foods such as salmon, beef, cod liver, cauliflower, chia seeds, soy beans and shrimp helps keep the marks at bay by increasing skin elasticity.
5. Vitamin A.
Vitamin A, referred to as retinoid, often found in foods such as sweet potatoes and carrots makes the skin appear smoother and also helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Pregnancy Strech Marks And How To Deal With Them