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How to Stay Focused Amidst Mommy Wars as a New Mom

How to Stay Focused Amidst Mommy Wars as a New Mom

How to Stay Focused Amidst Mommy Wars as a New Mom

family pregnancy photo shoot in Kenya at Fiesta House Attire.
Nairobi families expecting a new bundle of joy, commemorate this magical time with a stunning family pregnancy photo shoot in Kenya at Fiesta House Attire.


Best explained, mommy wars are differences that bring about a lack of consensus on what’s best when it comes to parenting. There will always be a mom out there who thinks your parenting is wanting and that they have the best opinion of what should and should not be done. In most cases, however, mommy wars start at an individual level _ the inner voices that question the sanity of your parenting decisions. The noise may be so much that you cannot focus on the task at hand _ being a mom. This article seeks to explore some common mommy wars and, while at it, discuss tips on how to stay focused amidst them, especially as a new mom.


Common Mommy Wars


1. Weaning your baby vs exclusive breastfeeding


2. A working mom vs a stay-at-home mom


3. Daycare for your baby vs nanny care


4. Differences on how to discipline your kid, among other differing takes


How to stay focused


Make peace with your choices. One sure way to maintain focus is by ensuring you are at peace with your choices. For instance, if you choose to be a stay-at-home mom for the benefit of your baby, it should not worry you that other moms are working.


Avoid judging. As the saying goes, judge not rest you get judged. Most of the mommy wars are a result of judging and counter-judging. Every criticism of how a fellow mom goes about her parenting will most likely be met with a counter-criticism, creating a trail of never-ending judging competition. Appreciating the fact that how you take charge of things in your home may not always sync with what other moms do and that it is completely fine will do you so much good.


Concern yourself less with what others are doing. Unless you are seeking support or ideas, do not concern yourself with what happens around you all the time. Limit yourself to interactions that grow you without caring what opinions there are. Likewise, do not let the opinion of others get to you if you do not buy it.


Limit your exposure to social media. Social media is important for updates and news on what is going on. Moderation is, however, needed as not everything is as real as it seems. Social media platforms act as catalysts for most mommy wars. It is good to understand that not everything on those platforms is white and black as it seems.


Finally, seek support. Engaging with like-minded mothers can do you a lot of good in your parenting journey. Surrounding yourself with moms who share your way of thinking will limit your exposure to baseless arguments and criticism, and that is all the peace you need – the assurance that somebody else sees things from your angle and that there is nothing wrong in following what you believe in.


Different opinions on how to raise your kids or take care of your family will always be there, in which case, your confidence in your choices becomes the nailing point. Here at Fiesta House Maternity, we celebrate moms who consciously appreciate the beauty of motherhood and, despite the many hurdles, continuously choose to embrace and celebrate the moments with serenity. Treat yourself to an  all inclusive professional photoshoot session by booking with us

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