Healthy Ways to Conquer Pregnancy Cravings
Pregnancy cravings can be explained by the extra need for strength and energy needed as the baby grows. Though not all women get to experience it, it is normal and common with pregnant mothers. What makes the cravings a topic for discussion is how weird and unhealthy some of these cravings can be. From craving for dirt, ice creams, dust, and petrol, among others, yielding to these cravings can have irreversible and damaging effects and thus need to be kept in check.
Below are some tips to help you avoid giving in to unhealthy pregnancy cravings.
Mindful feeding
One major concern with pregnancy cravings is the unprecedented weight gain due to overeating or excessive snacking. Getting yourself back to your desired weight and body figure after giving birth can be quite a tussle if you do not keep your appetite in check during pregnancy. It is always advisable to maintain a healthy diet for the sake of your health and that of your baby. Plan your meals beforehand, and if it’s a must, plan for your snacks so you do not end up rummaging for the wrong ones. It is at this time you will need to avoid sugary foods and drinks at all costs.
Do not skip meals
What causes the frequent urge to eat is the need for the body to acquire much-needed energy. One sure way to reduce cravings is by making sure you are not hungry. It is advisable to take your meals in the right proportions at the right time. Skipped meals create a window for cravings and before you know it, you are right deep into junk foods.
Keep your body hydrated
Most people will avoid drinking water during pregnancy for fear of having to pee all the time. As uncomfortable as it may be, your body needs the drink for proper hydration. Taking water before meals also helps you get full faster and consequently, reducing the risk of overeating. Water also helps with delayed gratification whereby you do not have to eat when you get the urge to. Drinking water in place of food will keep you longer before your next meal.
Prenatal supplements
Some of the weirdest cravings include craving for dust or dirt. In most cases, pregnant women run for soil or baked clay. However, did you know that you can avoid altogether? In actual sense, what your body lacks is some form of minerals such as iron and calcium. Taking a healthy diet rich in these minerals will shoo away cravings. In a case where the healthy diet requirement is not met, daily prenatal supplements can be helpful. With prenatal supplements, you do not have to worry about your baby missing out on vital nutrients, and this way, you can have your healthy meals without yielding to unhealthy cravings that could be harmful to you and the baby.
You do not have to bear the guilt of feeding your cravings at the expense of your health. As difficult as it is, it is not impossible. Did you know that to some extent, it is all in the head, and distracting your mind not to think about food can also work? Outdoor activities such as walks can help you keep your mind engaged.
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