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Addressing Speech Delay in Kids and the Various Non-Medical Contributing Factors

Addressing Speech Delay in Kids and the Various Non-Medical Contributing Factors

Addressing Speech Delay in Kids and the Various Non-Medical Contributing Factors

family pregnancy photo shoot in Kenya at Fiesta House Attire.

Speech delay in kids has been a major concern for most parents. While it is normal for some kids to develop speech earlier than other kids their age, the delay in some becomes worrisome, with parents seeking answers as to why. Besides the medical factors, there exists an array of non-medical factors that contribute to delay in speech development. Understanding the contributing factors is essential for early identification of the crises to facilitate necessary intervention to address delays in speech formation. Below are some of the non-medical factors and the possible mitigating actions.


Environmental Factors


The environment in which a child grows plays a significant role in determining how soon they develop speech. For instance, children born in homes where communication is done using different languages or grow up in areas with loud noises may have a hard time in speech development


Family interactions


Kids look up to the older members of the family as models for the most part of their growing up. Through direct interactions, they can mimic speech patterns and language intricacies. In families where vocal interactions are limited or lack in entirety, children become victims of delayed speech. Narrations and conversations in a family setup give room for nurturing the communicative abilities of the kid.


Excessive Screen Time


In the current era, where digital learning and entertainment are idolized, the impact of excessive screen time on kids has been overlooked. Some parents want to keep their kids entertained and learning, while others use screen time as a distraction for their kids as they carry out other errands, which is understandable. Regardless of the many benefits, however, the passive nature of these screen entertainments or learning sessions does not promote active speaking, thus hindering speech development in the long run.


Social and Emotional Factors


Kids who have difficulties interacting with others or are shy rarely engage in active speaking, which may limit their chance at speech development. Also, kids who grow up in an indoor setup have limited exposure and find it difficult to open up to the outside life. Likewise, kids with anxiety disorders or who have had traumatic experiences have difficulties communicating.


Tips to help with speech development in kids


While it is advisable to seek medical intervention when you note a delay in the speech development of your kid, below are some practical home remedies to help improve the situation.


Create an enabling environment that encourages active communication

Read books together to help build on words and vocabulary

Encourage imitation

Provide opportunities for social interactions

Use Visual Aids as well as monitored screen time for interactive speech training resources

Practice patience and understanding

There are a myriad of non-medical factors that can lead to speech delay in kids. While some cases of speech delay require professional intervention, it is possible to handle the situation by application of home remedies such as interactive reading sessions, encouraging imitation, use of visual aids, interactive talking with patience, and understanding of your child’s needs.


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