How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health During Pregnancy
The gestation period is most definitely one of the exhilarating experiences in a woman’s life. Just as much as it is considered a time of emotional well being, recent studies have revealed that swings and anxiety disorders affect expectant mothers as a result of the combination of social, physical and emotional changes.
Here are some ways of keeping your mental health in check during this period:
1.Talk about it.
By being pregnant, it is definitely a life changing moment in one’s life, and it is completely normal to feel anxious. Opening to your partner or close friends about your feelings aids in easing your mind.
2.Get your partner up to speed.
Ensure that your partner knows and understands different ways of supporting you; from physical comfort to relaxation methods (with or without pain relievers) and to emotional comfort. You can also make your partner know about your birth plans
3.Stay active.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Take a walk, do some exercises. This is known to relive stres, lifts your moods and releases the Endorphin hormone which is good for you and the baby.
4.Write a journal.
Undoubtedly, writing is therapeutic. Start writing a gratitude journal of the things you are thankful for during your pregnancy. Try to stay positive. You can also write down the things you want to do during your pregnancy!
6.Worry Well.
It is natural to worry, but during this period, you should try and worry less. If you can’t avoid try asking yourself if whatever it is that you’re worrying about is really necessary. Try and choose what is good for you. Otherwise, don’t worry, be happy!
7.Do what makes you happy.
If you’re finding late nights out with friends are too much to handle, meet up for lunch or go to an early movie. Keeping in touch with friends and having fun is important – laughter is great medicine.
8.Take a break and relax.
Pay close attention to your breath and the outbreath. This promotes relaxation throughout your body. Slowing down your breath also reduces the speed at which thoughts run through your mind. This builds the muscle of focus, reduces the low level feeling and increases emotional stability in stressful situations .